300th post

I don’t know if this is a big deal or not, but for me it is. I have enjoyed blogging. I like writing down my thoughts and allowing anyone who cares to read them. I love sharing with you what God is teaching me in my personal life. I find that as I blog about what God is teaching me it allows me to take my normal devotional time to a much deeper level.

Not many people have commented on my blog, but thats okay. People who have successful blogs say you have to narrow your blog post to a specific topic or Niche. I don’t see myself doing that anytime soon, as the main purpose for my blog is to share my thoughts with students and parents in my ministry.

Anyway, hope you keep checking in as I will continue to share what God has got me thinking. You know, your thinking can be worship.

God’s word touched hearts in Chapel

Today I did Chapel at Cumberland Valley Christian School and instead of doing a message like most people do at Chapel I set up a time for students to spend in God’s Word. 

The Result- Awesome.   For 30 minutes over 150 students grades 7-12 sat in a gym and read from Gods Word.  No one became a distraction and most students read in their Bibles.  God spoke to students hearts.  It was awesome.  

Students have been saying what a great chapel it was and I make sure to point out to them that it was simply them spending time with God and His Word. 

Oh if we could just make God our everything everyday.  If we would just give Him 30 minutes of our day to spend time in His Word.  

Check out this video by Tim Hughes that started our Chapel.  

CVCS Chapel & 2 Questions for you!!

I challenge you to read this and then answer the questions at the bottom. 

I am going to let all those who read this blog in on what we talked about today at Cumberland Valley Christian School Chapel.  I believe in a big God who is working to accomplish HIS PURPOSE!  God wants our worship, He wants us to bring HIM honor and Glory through all things.  He is faithful and wants us to be faithful.

I believe God had two significant messages for CVCS to hear before the home-going.  Watch the recap.  Here is the outline to the first one. Chapel 1.  We talked about the fact that God has made everything Glorious.  Every single CVCS student is wonderfully and beautifully made because God made them.  Not only did God make them but He has a purpose for them.   No matter what they are dealing with God wants them to worship HIM.  Chapel 2 was a last minute chapel that I was asked to do and I just shared what God was teaching me that morning.  I was in the book of Job!  Job had it tough.  Life wasn’t fair.  And yet in the end of the book Job recognized how Big and Awesome His God truly is.   Read about it here.   

So today we reviewed those chapels and then we dug into PSALMS 37.   You can listen to the message HERE.   

Please answer the following questions by leaving a comment.  How has the homegoing of Timothy and Ethan changed your life?  Are you willing to commit to living for God’s Glory no matter what?

CVCS Chapel & 2 Questions for you!!

I challenge you to read this and then answer the questions at the bottom. 

I am going to let all those who read this blog in on what we talked about today at Cumberland Valley Christian School Chapel.  I believe in a big God who is working to accomplish HIS PURPOSE!  God wants our worship, He wants us to bring HIM honor and Glory through all things.  He is faithful and wants us to be faithful.

I believe God had two significant messages for CVCS to hear before the home-going.  Watch the recap.  Here is the outline to the first one. Chapel 1.  We talked about the fact that God has made everything Glorious.  Every single CVCS student is wonderfully and beautifully made because God made them.  Not only did God make them but He has a purpose for them.   No matter what they are dealing with God wants them to worship HIM.  Chapel 2 was a last minute chapel that I was asked to do and I just shared what God was teaching me that morning.  I was in the book of Job!  Job had it tough.  Life wasn’t fair.  And yet in the end of the book Job recognized how Big and Awesome His God truly is.   Read about it here.   

So today we reviewed those chapels and then we dug into PSALMS 37.   You can listen to the message HERE.   

Please answer the following questions by leaving a comment.  How has the homegoing of Timothy and Ethan changed your life?  Are you willing to commit to living for God’s Glory no matter what?

Thankful? El Faro is!!

Wow, I will tell you the truth so often I am ungrateful which is the total opposite of thankful.   God has blessed me in so many ways both big and small.  I want to give a little shout out here to some people and things I am thankful for. 

  • My God- who continues to love me despite all my junk. Thanks Jesus!!
  • My wife- NICOLE, she has to put up with all my bad habits/traits that no one else gets to see, smell, or hear.  
  • My parents-all of the the sacrifices, not even close to enough thanks, phone calls, or visits.   One couldnt ask for better parents.
  • Sister- Thanks for still loving me despite all the fights and no calls.  
  • Grandmal and Grandpal- Thanks for setting us an example to follow.  Commitment to each other and our GOD.  Greenbeans, corn and everything else. 
  • Mother and Father-in law- Thanks for allowing me to take your precious daughter away.  For allowing us to serve where God has called us and the ministry encouragement.  
  • FRIENDS- for still being friends despite me not calling or visiting.  
  • Church- For giving me a Chance to serve the God I love.
  • Leaders- For your sacrificail love for the cause of Christ.
  • Students- For your continued growth and commitment to living for GODS GLORY and Allowing me to be so hard on you for the CAUSE OF CHRIST!
  • Missionaries- For being out there and doing what we are all called to do.
  • Pastors who have mentored me (even if they dont know it)- Greg Despres, Brian Moore, Beau Eckert, Johnny Miller, Doug Weygand, Kevin Kumher, James Ober, Rick Rhodes, Jim Ayers, John Piper, Steven Furtick, Max Lucado, Bill Hybles, John MacArthur, Donald Miller, Ben Murry, John Maxwell, Scott Hodge, Mike Sanders, Chuck Rathel, Brian Kramer, and many others.  
  • MY BLOG READERS- Thanks for Checking in to say what I am thinking.  Hopefully my thinking can help you worship the God that I love.  

Check out this video put together by Christian from El Faro Church in Lebanon.   The song is very fitting.    Thanks Christian and El Faro for the encouragement you are to me, my wife and our teens.  We love serving along with you!!

He makes Everything Glorious

I gotta say that there are so many days that I get ready to start writting and want to start with the word WOW!!  So often I dont know what to say to the things that God is doing or revealing to me besides WOW.   Last night I sat down to look over my message for Chapel at CVCS and I realized that I might not be able to show the two videos (THE Everything SKIT, THE FATHERS LOVE LETTER) that my message was based upon.   So last night I began to think and pray that God would reveal to me another message. 

I knew that I wanted to address the issue that God loves these students, despite what they do, and what they think of themselves.  So often students wonder “how could God love me when I am like…..” Sinful, not pretty enough, no smart enough, not this or that.  I believed that God wanted me to talk to these students… and to you reading this now, that God Loves you, and you are wonderfully and beautifully made.  Psalms 139:14.

If you have given your life to Jesus nothing can seperate your from the Fathers Love.  Romans 8:38-39.  You, no matter what you are dealing with, are a reflection of God’s Glory.  You are a mirror showing others the beauty of your God.  Check out this passage.  2 Corinthians 3:12-18.  No matter what you are dealing with God wants you to worship HIM.  If you have given your life to Him you are bought and paid for, you might as well surrender your life to Him and live for HIM and His glory.   1 Corinthians 6:20.

Are you searching?  Looking to be filled?  Looking for satisfaction?  As John Piper says “God is most Glorified in us whe we are most satisfied in HIM.”  Why not be hungry and thirsty for the one who paid the price for you.  Why not be filled by the God who made you? You are perfect.  You were created for Gods Glory.  You are Glorious.  

God is so Glorious.  The fact that I couldnt use the other message and God gave me this message, and despite how nervous I was (which I usually am not), and how God used this message to touch the students hearts reveals how Glorious He really is.  To see how the students prayed for each other, asked me to pray for them, to see them respond to a message that was put together the morning that it was given shows how Glorious our God is!!   Thanks for making Everythign Glorious Lord.  You are Awesome.  WOW!!!

I love this song by David Crowder.  “Everything Glorious” 
You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious
And I am Yours
What does that make me?

Students- Be a blessing to your parents.

Yesterday our church had Sam and Debbie Wood from Family Fortress Ministries here for a special parenting conference.  Last night was my highlight as they gave our students the oppertunity to read aloud tributes that they wrote to their parents.  The students tributes were awsome.  I know there were several times that I had tears in my eyes.  I always tell the students that I will never have them do something that I myself am not willing to do.  So here is my tribute to my parents:

Dear mom and dad,

Thank you so much for all that you have done in my life.  I have so many memories that I think about often.  I remember playing tractors on the carpet in the trailer, dad breaking branches off the tree for my rear, going for motorcycle rides (all 4 of us) on the enduro, you sitting in the ER with me as I got stiches (again), watching the thunder storms, building the new house, wee-ya bumps, family time missing none, dad cutting hair at midnight, mom making awesome food, and so many other fun memories.   But the things that mattered most were going to church as a family (even though I didn’t want to), family vacations, mom always being there when I got home from school, dad always leaving work early to make it to games, friends always being welcomed and feeling accepted, and the trust and encouragement that you gave me. 

Mom- I am so thankful for all the sacrifices that you have made through out your life for me and Brittany.  Thanks for allowing dad to build a house right next to grandmal and grandpal, I know that it hasn’t always been easy sharing us.  Mom you continue to amaze me with how willing you are to give of yourself not just for Brit, Dad, and I but for others as well.  You truly model a servant’s heart.   Grand kids will come someday, just be patient.  

Dad- what an example you have set for me.   A man who is successful at his work, and yet does not neglect his family, that’s tough to find these days. Thanks for putting us first. Thanks for showing me how to be a good husband as you have been to mom.  Thanks for showing me how to live and love life while keeping God the Focus.  Thanks for showing me how to pursue your dreams and yet not allowing money to be the focus.    I hope to continue leaving the legacy that you and grandpal have set before me.  

Mom and Dad, you guys are awesome and I am so thankful for both of you.  I hope that God continues to bless your marriage and the legacy of the Blount name for His Glory.  

With Great Love



Let me encourage you to write your parents a letter thanking them for all that they have done in your life.