Rescue House, I Cant stop thinking

My mind is going and going lately.  The past couple of nights I havent been able to fall asleep.  Wednesday night was a rough night for sleep as I was thinking about Chirs who trusted Christ, 3 guys who heard the gospel for the first time, and a student who shared with me how much they are hurting deep inside.   There are so many students in our ministry that are hurting, struggling with sin.  I hurt when I see them (you) struggle.

Today I spoke with 3 students who shared their hearts with me.  They totally opened up their lives and shared some of the struggles that they are having.  As I spoke with someone today I began to think.  ODSM is starting to become a rescue house.  The students who want to live for God are coming, they are bringing their friends, and we are making a difference for the Kingdom of God.  We have a lot of students who have stopped coming because they dont want to live for God.  They are fine with living for sin and self.  It truely is interesting to see students come back when they are ready to get serious for God. 

One of the students I talked with today said “when I am struggling I dont want anything to do with Jeremy and ODSM because I know I will be asked the tough questions, I know I will be encourage to live for God.  But when I am broken, when I am ready to get back on track, I know where to come.” 

Its tough, knowing the struggles you guys have, I wish I could just pull you right out of them.  I wish I could light a match and set your hearts on fire for God.  I hope that you know that I am  “standing right beside you there, And it hurt when you told me, That you told me that you tried this on your own….It hurts when you need me, And I can’t break your fall, It hurts when you can’t see, And it hurts”  Wow if I feel this way I wonder how God feels when you try and do it on your own.  When you hurt, and cant see where to go, and yet you keep on fighting all alone. 

Even though it hurts for me to see you struggle, I know the struggle makes you strong.  I know its gotta be you desiring to have your heart light for God.  I cant light the match, nor can MPACT leaders.

I’ve been thinking, I want to be a rescue worker for the Glory of God.  I want to come to those who are hurting, those who desire God, but are struggling and offer them hope.  How many of you are willing to join me in the rescue efforts?   Comment if you want to join the rescue team.   I think God would smile on our ministry if we were a rescue house.

 More to come later….. Check out thousand foot krutch lyrics here.  

Students- Be a blessing to your parents.

Yesterday our church had Sam and Debbie Wood from Family Fortress Ministries here for a special parenting conference.  Last night was my highlight as they gave our students the oppertunity to read aloud tributes that they wrote to their parents.  The students tributes were awsome.  I know there were several times that I had tears in my eyes.  I always tell the students that I will never have them do something that I myself am not willing to do.  So here is my tribute to my parents:

Dear mom and dad,

Thank you so much for all that you have done in my life.  I have so many memories that I think about often.  I remember playing tractors on the carpet in the trailer, dad breaking branches off the tree for my rear, going for motorcycle rides (all 4 of us) on the enduro, you sitting in the ER with me as I got stiches (again), watching the thunder storms, building the new house, wee-ya bumps, family time missing none, dad cutting hair at midnight, mom making awesome food, and so many other fun memories.   But the things that mattered most were going to church as a family (even though I didn’t want to), family vacations, mom always being there when I got home from school, dad always leaving work early to make it to games, friends always being welcomed and feeling accepted, and the trust and encouragement that you gave me. 

Mom- I am so thankful for all the sacrifices that you have made through out your life for me and Brittany.  Thanks for allowing dad to build a house right next to grandmal and grandpal, I know that it hasn’t always been easy sharing us.  Mom you continue to amaze me with how willing you are to give of yourself not just for Brit, Dad, and I but for others as well.  You truly model a servant’s heart.   Grand kids will come someday, just be patient.  

Dad- what an example you have set for me.   A man who is successful at his work, and yet does not neglect his family, that’s tough to find these days. Thanks for putting us first. Thanks for showing me how to be a good husband as you have been to mom.  Thanks for showing me how to live and love life while keeping God the Focus.  Thanks for showing me how to pursue your dreams and yet not allowing money to be the focus.    I hope to continue leaving the legacy that you and grandpal have set before me.  

Mom and Dad, you guys are awesome and I am so thankful for both of you.  I hope that God continues to bless your marriage and the legacy of the Blount name for His Glory.  

With Great Love



Let me encourage you to write your parents a letter thanking them for all that they have done in your life.