They can’t accept it

God keeps bringing this thought to my mind.  We place such high standards on those who are not in a relationship with God.  We expect those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them to live as Christ.  What a ridicoulus standard we are setting.  I believe those who have not surrenderd to the Lordship of Christ are held accountable to the OT Law and that is impossible for man to keep.   

1 Corinthians 2:4 says:

“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”

That my friends is why they dont accept the things of God.  They are not being led by the Spirit.  

 ……But we have the mind of Christ. 2:16.   So are you living in willfull obedience to what the Spirit is speaking in your heart?

Stop right there

Started reading Matthew 4 today and I just felt the need to stop right there.  I read this and had to stop.

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit

I know the chapter and verse go on, and I wanted to keep reading, but I just couldn’t.  Jesus was led by the Spirit.  Think about that. Jesus followed the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 8:14 says:

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

People who have surrender their lives to Christ Lordship are to be led by the Spirit of God.  I wish the Matthew Chapter 4 would go on to explain how Jesus was led by the Spirit but it doesn’t.

I just finished reading “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan and he concludes his book by saying that we need to live each day for Jesus.  Everything we do and say needs to be done with Him in mind.  As I think about my love for God and my desire to live for His Glory, I think about the simplicty of being led by the Spirit.  I believe it is simple obedience.  Everything you do, everywhere you go, live out your relationship with God.  If your in an intimate love relationship with God, and you feel like God is laying something on your heart, DO IT!  If you feel like God is telling you to let go of something you have been holding on to, DO IT!  If you feel like God is saying “Stop Right There” DO IT!!! Maybe He wants to teach you something.  Maybe He wants to use you for His Glory.

Pray with me.  God teach me how to be led by Your Spirit.  Teach me how to obey.  Teach me how to walk everyday in an intimate love relationship with you.  Help me to stop when you burden my heart to “Stop right there”.

Not me God

You know, sometimes times I feel that way. God not me. I can’t do that. God that task is way to big for me to do. Are you sure you don’t want to get someone else. All through out the Bible people respond to God the same way that we do. Check this out.

1:6 Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth.”

Jeremiah responds the exact same way that we do, when God wants to do something through us. God told Jeremiah that he was set apart to be a prophet among the nations. Jeremiah said, but God I am too young and I don’t know how to speak. Sound a lot like Moses. Sounds a lot like me.

7 But the Lord said to me,

“Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.”

Okay, now we are talking. God is going to be with Jeremiah, therefore Jeremiah has no reason to fear. God then touches Jeremiahs lips and says “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.” Wow. Gods words are in his mouth.

If God made a promise to me like that….If God said He was going to be with. If I know that it was not about what I was doing, but what God was going to do through me. WAIT A MINUTE.

John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever….You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

For those who have given their lives to Christ, we have the Spirit of the Living God in our hearts. Why fear? Why not do what God has called you to do. Not only that but, we to have God’s words. Gods words are found in His Bible and they are to equip us for every good work.

Our Not me God, should become God hear I am allow your Love to FLOW through me for your Glory.

Why are we so afraid to be used of God?