Are you thirsty like a deer needing water?

Nicole would absolutely love to see a deer drinking from a river, pond, or any other Deertype of water.  I dont think I would be able to tell if a deer is thirsty or not, just like I probably cant tell if your thirsty.  So are you thirsty?

This morning I was reading Psalms 42 and the first couple of  lines really made me think.  Think with me here for a minute.  

42:1 As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.

How thirsty are you for God?
My God is not some block of wood or rock made of stone.  My God is the “LIVING GOD”.  Are you thirsty for Him? 

Jesus says

 If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink…Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.  John 7:37-38.  

Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:13.  

7 Responses

  1. I went on to “Google” one time and actually searched for pictures of Clear Water or Thirst or something, and it produced a picture of water that was so “Crystal Clear” that if I was dying in the desert and I saw a glass of water like that…it would be so refreshing.

    That is the relationship that I crave. A relationship where “All” I crave is the intimacy that only Christ can offer. I’m at that point – that I get to every end-of-the-year time – where I want the new year to be a new adventure…but something is different this year… I want to be REAL! To Thirst after God and not my next paycheck or big event! How do I get there?!? That’s the new adventure!

  2. I serve the Lord at the ” singing in Worship Team and in charge of the Prayer ministry and prayer room. Each week the Lord lays a message on my heart and with that message to place on a dry erase board This week it was the image of a solitary place that included a stream and a deer drinking from it and the verse Psalm 42. I looked on line and found the perfect photo of that image. So it will go on this weeks board.02.03.08 thank you for sharing . The gift goes on and on. and on
    In Christ
    Sherry Hoffman..

  3. So true and so important in our walk with the Lord. Seeing some great articles here. Continue sharing!

  4. She reminds me of Bambi! hehe! lol hahah lol hahah lol heheheheheheh 😀

  5. I found this comment while read the same verse in Psalm 42, and I was asking myself the same questions. What does a deer panting for water look like?

  6. Funny thing is that while I am posting the comment, I am actually sitting in front of a stream of running water. I find that when I just calm my heart and listen intently to the water as it flows over the rocks I can hear the still voice of the Lord. I begin to experience God’s love in a pure and refreshing way. I encourage all who read this to try it. Find a small stream in a quiet and safe place. Close your eyes and just listen. Let the troubles of the world flow out of your mind and then imagine the stream of water filling your soul with the peace and life of Christ.

    In some of the most heart-breaking moments of my life I found a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.

    May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly


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